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เผยแพร่โดย NCPORNO


I'm so worried. Really worried about those reports. What am I going to do? These results

are rubbish. Oh, hello Mr Black. I was expecting you.

Hello there. Yes, so, good afternoon.

Nice to see you again. Hi, my name is Miss Butts.

Right, well I've just been running through these examination results and I'm afraid it's

แสดงน้อยลง แสดงเพิ่มเติม

bad news. I mean, we should... Mr Black, can I stop you just for one second?

We've had a lot of problems, a lot of problem ******** in this school and I've been working

extremely hard to make sure that everything is in place and in order. So I'm working at

my utmost to keep it all good. But you know, these results, surely, you know...

Well I'm aware of the work you've been doing and I can see a slight improvement, but they're

just not good enough. I'm afraid I'm going to have to close this school down.

Mr Black, surely not. Yeah, I'm sorry, I mean the stats speak for

themselves. Can I just have a look with you a minute?

Yeah, certainly. I mean, obviously here we've got a very high

attendance and obviously a lot of the teachers are pretty on form.

Mr Black, surely, there must be something we can do.

Well, you know, I don't know what you've got in mind because on these figures here, I'm

sorry, but I'm going to have to recommend that you close.


  • 2,091
  • 18:12