Leya Falcon หญิงเป็นใหญ่หยอกล้อคุณด้วยสอนชักว่าว
Leya Falcon loves being in charge especially of her men. She expects total obedience if you want to be worth of her presence and you better not miss a single one of her instructions or she won't show you her hot body.
เผยแพร่โดย hothotfilms
Hmm. This big snake I've got here. You should know that I like big snakes. Do you have a
big snake for me? Oh, you do? Show me. Unzip those pants. Really? That's not a big snake.
Are you kidding me right now? Are you kidding me? I thought you said you had a big snake
for me, but it looks like you've got a fucking worm. It's disgusting. Anyways, maybe if you
please, princess, I'll let you stroke that disgusting little thing. But then again, why
should I? You're not a real man. You're just a pathetic little cuck. You could never please a
woman. I mean, look at that tiny little thing. What are you going to do with this shit? Besides
lock it up? What I want you to do is the only thing that you're good for. I want you to send
the princess all of your money right now. All right. Now I'll let you pinch that gross
little thing. I wouldn't say stroke, but it's so small, you can't stroke it. So you gotta
pinch that little thingy. Oh, too bad you're not a real man. Because you know what a real
man is able to do? Besides fuck. He's able to actually stroke. Real men get laid. Little
loser cucks just pay up. Otherwise, I have no use for you. You're gross. You're disgusting.
You have to look vicariously through me. That's it. That's a real man's dick. You want to taste
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- 23:17