เผยแพร่โดย ##deleted_14828047
And then send her in to you.
No way. Send her to somebody else.
But doctor, she's been waiting all day.
I don't care how long she's been waiting.
I feel like shit. I got this headache, I got toothache, and I got an operation scheduled for 30 minutes from now.
I mean, send her to somebody else. I can't take care of it.
I mean, what's more important, the damn interview or the patient's life?
I'm terribly sorry, doctor. You are right.
Is there anything I can do to help?
Yes, I think we should just go with standard procedure, B.J.
Okay, doctor.
Don't worry, baby. I'm going to make all your pain just melt right away.
I sure hope so.
Can you give me a little beating?
Let me know.
That's it. Now the little sockie.
It's going to make you feel so much better.
Oh, I hope so.
You'll be fine.
There you go. Now the little sockie.
This is crap. It's driving me nuts.
We're going to go into standard procedure, N.O.W.
Get up and take off those pants, motherfucker.
You like this blowjob? Take them off.
Take the shirt off too.
Take the shirt off.
Take it off.
I got to go.
standard procedure. Fuck!
Now wait a minute, Doctor. I don't want to do this. There's somebody out there that can't come in.
Forget about them. I've got to get rid of this headache.
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- 01:21:04