ยิงหุ่นดีสําหรับรุ่นแม่น่าเย็ด (mc)
เผยแพร่โดย hamsterddd
Hi. Oh my god! It's alright, it's alright. You're a guy. Yeah, I'm here to give you your massage. No, no.
Usually, where's that young lady that was here before? Oh, she's on sick leave. I'm her replacement.
Oh no. I don't feel comfortable doing that. It'll be fine. I taught that girl everything she knows.
Uh-uh. Oh my god, no. No, no, no. What's wrong? I'm a professional, ma'am. Please.
Oh my god. There's just so many stories going around. So many, like, weird things going around about massage parlors.
I don't know if I feel comfortable doing that. A lot of sexual harassment. No, we're strictly professionals here.
Oh my god. It's alright. I'm really good. Oh my god.
I don't know. See? It's not that bad. I guess I can correct you if you're going... That's true.
...overboard. Of course I'll behave. Alright. We'll give it a shot. You better be nice.
Go ahead and lay down this way.
Wow. You are pretty good. Some knots. Some knots we gotta work out in here.
You feel them, huh? Yeah. I'm tense. Hard worker. I definitely am. Definitely am.
Always sitting at a desk nine to five, so just me doing that and my lower back is just...
Oh, this is not good. But please understand, you know, how I was at first. No, no, that's fine.
- 66,482
- 20:36