Julianne moore
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is that you won't tell me the truth.
You can't say the obvious.
You can't admit that you lied!
God, Ralph, I gotta start.
You know how to start it?
'Cause I really, I really don't know how to start it!
Marion, I'm giving you a chance to come clean.
Clear the slate, on to a higher consciousness.
And then, don't ever lie to me again, Marion.
This is not like you, Ralph.
To demand your right, Marion.
You kissed me.
Does that satisfy you?
Just the facts.
All right, all right, Ralph, okay.
Somehow, somehow the two of us were elected to go out and get, and get liquor.
We drove to De Foremost, which was closed, and then to Caffey's, which was also closed.
In fact, everything was closed.
I mean, I was beginning to wonder whether anything would be open.
All I could think of were those all-night supermarkets.
I wondered whether anybody would even be in the mood for a drink.
We had to drive around half the night looking for an open market.
Then he kissed me.
How long?
How long what?
How long did he kiss you?
Then what?
Then he said, "Do you want to have a go at it?"
Jesus, Marion, do you want to have a go at it?
Did you touch him?
Touch him? Touch him?
Okay, Ralph, Ralph, you want to know what happened?
He kissed me, and I kissed him back, and then we did it.
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