Lizzy yum - โฆษณาเคลื่อนไหว (วิดีโอตัวเต็ม)
lizzy yum - MOVKING advert (full video)
เผยแพร่โดย LizzyYum
Hey, it's me, Liz. Lizzie Young, sex toy representative. I wanted to tell you today a little bit about
a company that I'm advertising for called Move King. And Move King is a sex toy manufacturer
in China, Move King. And you can find them online on AliExpress. And they're one of the
best manufacturers of sex machines.
Move King sex machines come in a variety of types.
This is called a metal machine,
and I'll put this together a little later
and show you just how it works.
But this is a very high quality and durable sex machine.
It's made of metal, of course.
It weighs about 10 pounds,
and it is very simple to use and easily assembled.
The assembly is probably only about three steps.
This sex machine is a high power sex machine.
It's around $100.
It comes with a nice base that has suction cups.
I'll be showing you all about high quality metal machines.
And some of the attachments that you can get that come with it.
The thing I like most about the metal machine is that it comes with...
This is an attachment at the bottom. It uses an air compressor chuck to connect the parts.
Also, they come with a handy XLR connector on some models.
There's your air chuck for the metal machine.
And the air chuck fits just like that.
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