เผยแพร่โดย spicybucks
How much are the waters?
$2.00. $2.00 is pretty expensive. Is this like brand name or is this tap water?
This is tap water. This is tap water? Yeah. Are you serious? You just re-bottle it yourself?
Yeah. Oh wow, that's so... But it's a good water though. Really? Yeah. Is this Sunny Islands water? It is.
Miami water is tough stuff. I know.
Are you from the area?
Yes, I am.
What are you doing out here so long?
I feel like the water.
So you live in the area for a long time?
For a little bit, for a few months.
What's your nationality, sweetheart?
You're working hard out here, huh?
I'm doing a lunch break here pretty soon. Yeah. Honestly your water
it's not the greatest water in the world. I'm sorry. It is. I don't want to bust your balls
but I got some like really good lemonade up at my house. Really? Lemonade? Yeah.
Sweet. I see. I want to taste it. Really? Yeah.
Is it nice? It would be good to have at my house. Wow you're real friendly.
I like girls that are real friendly. You like that? I like it.
I'm just gonna go out to my house.
Do you want me to?
Yeah, come on. I'm on lunch break but we gotta make it quick though.
Alright. Just like 20 minutes?
Alright. But I'm on my phone.
Come on, let's go. Let's go babycakes.
- 43,768
- 35:31