Lilith นักเรียนสาวไม่ยอมเรียนจนปากเต็ม
Lilith may look like an innocent collegebabe, and in many ways she is, but she's also horny as hell and wants to feel her dad's friend's big cock in her tiny pussy. The guy offered to help tutor her, but he can't help feeling attracted to Lilith's blonde hair that smells like strawberries, her tartan collegebabe skirt seemingly designed to raise pricks and her supple breasts just beginning to perk up in her tight, white shirt.
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I'm just not getting this. I don't understand.
Okay, Lois. We've gone over this before.
This is the exact same thing that we went over last week while I was here.
I mean, look. The problem is not that difficult.
You just... you really just need to apply yourself more.
Um... well, maybe instead of you teaching me math, you could teach me something else.
Well, I mean, I'm here to tutor you in math.
Like... you could teach me anatomy.
Anatomy? I... I... that's not... that's... math is the subject that you're having...
You should teach me anatomy. Anatomy would be really fun.
But that's not going to help you with your math test.
Um... yeah, well... like, like anatomy. Like right here.
Hey, Lilith, what... what... what are you...
You don't want me to touch your cock?
Well, you can't do that. Are you kidding me?
What? Why not?
I went to school with your dad. Do you understand what would happen if he... if he knew about this?
He doesn't have to know about it.
Because it's not going to happen. That's how he's not...
You don't want me to touch your cock.
Lilith, you...
I already feel you. You're getting in my...
You can't... that's beside the point.
But you're supposed to be teaching me anatomy.
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- 10:28