Sheena ryder นวด 3 ทางกับลูกเลี้ยงสาวของเธอ
Aften Opal, Sheena Ryder and Brad Newman
เผยแพร่โดย FantasyMassageOfficial
where your fantasy becomes reality.
Hey honey, how's the studying coming?
I never thought advanced oils would be this tough.
Like, everyone said that it was difficult, but I just, I can't wrap my head around it.
I understand honey, but with the amount of money we are paying for your massage school, you better not fail that exam tomorrow.
Thanks a lot dad, because I'm not stressed enough.
Well, you know, stress builds character, and if you do the work, you'll get the reward.
I do all of my work, it's just the practical stuff that I just can't get down, everything to me is bollocks.
Just doesn't make sense.
You know, if I had someone I could practice on, this would be so much easier.
Wait, can I practice on you dad?
I don't know if...
I mean, I don't think it's appropriate for an 18 year old girl to practice massage on her stepfather,
let alone a massage that is as intimate as oil massage.
You'll just have to hit the books a little harder young lady.
Dad, you can't come in here and stress me out even more, and then tell me when I ask you for help.
Well, you have a good point. What kind of stepfather would I be if I didn't help my stepdaughter with her test?
So, I can practice on you dad?
Yes dear, but let's make it quick because your mother has a roast in for dinner.
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